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Outcome & Measurement Science Faculty

Below is a list of all Outcome & Measurement Science faculty. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.

Alam, Murad

Alam, Murad

Professor, Dermatology (Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery), Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science), Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Surgery (Organ Transplantation)

Alonso, Estella M

Alonso, Estella M

Professor, Pediatrics (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition), Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science)

Bass, Michael

Bass, Michael

Research Associate Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science)

Bentrem, David J

Bentrem, David J

Professor, Surgery (Surgical Oncology), Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science)

Blackwell, Courtney K

Blackwell, Courtney K

Associate Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science), Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health)

Cella, David

Cella, David

Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science), Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics), Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics), Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Davoudpour, Shahin

Davoudpour, Shahin

Research Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science)

Dworak, Elizabeth M

Dworak, Elizabeth M

Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science), Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health)

Ece Usta, Berivan

Ece Usta, Berivan

Research Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science)

Gershon, Richard C

Gershon, Richard C

Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science)

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